Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Scarred Tree & back in Sydney

I just want to wrap up our Christmas vacation and wanted to include a few photos around the harbor too. Cam saw see this scarred tree years ago near the farm, but hasn't been back since. Aboriginals would cut the bark off and in the process leave marks on the wood. The tree repairs itself as the remaining bark curls.

We drove back to Sydney and the next AM before flying out we hung around with Lachlan. We went on a walk around the harbor, which was quite beautiful. Loved the views and the fact that everyone we saw were local Sydneysiders.

Lachlan snapped this shot of us in the middle of the walk. We had a great time, chatting, exploring, and just taking our time. A very relaxed ending to an even more relaxing holiday.

Little light houses dot the harbor to help with navigation. If you check out Sydney's harbor on google, you'll notice how many bits and pieces stick out making navigation difficult.

This has caught me up in time. Upcoming posts will be closer to where we are in time right now. Till then!

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