Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Lake House with my fam part 2/2

We celebrated both Liam's 2nd birthday and also the anniversary of my parents with my brother and his family at the Lake. Here was the anniversary cake.

And the birthday cake.

The two little guys donned some Polish t-shirts about perogi. Taste and good for shirt slogans.

Here's the family portrait, taken of course by Cameron. It would be better with him in it, but all parties were not cooperating for a long photo shoot.

Generally there was peace in the house, especially when food and drink were involved. A short but nice trip.

Lake and the Norris clan part 1/2

We went to the lake house of Cam's fam to meet up with my brother as well. It was a fun trip with such an amazing setting. Imagine waking up to this scene every morning, life is beautiful.

My brother beat us there and rearranged the fridge to welcome everyone else. Not many letters were left!

Speaking of which, here is my brother with his son, Liam playing with cups on the couch. 

There was a bit of cousin rivalry between Nevlin & Liam, especially when it came to the attention of their Busha and Gran Tat.

"Come on Busha, this way..."

Sunday, November 23, 2014

200th post! Nashville, TN

We've had the pleasure of blogging for cyberspace for 199 posts, with this one to be a real knock-out. Cam & I headed to Tennessee for a little get-a-way for us as a couple of days. My parents did us the very kind favor of looking after little Nev. We ate like royalty with pancake breakfast and BBQ dinners.

To Tex-Mex lunches and ice tea with lemon aid a flowing.

We went to the capital building full of its classical architecture. I particularly enjoyed the grounds including all of the fountains.

Of course what trip to Music City USA would be complete without flying pigs adjacent to a famous theater.

They Ryman Theater was expecting Nash Bridges the night we visited. His name is on the sign behind Cam, but you can't see it here.

We also saw the Music hall of fame with all of its inductees. I didn't know most of them, but found this wicked cool car complete with over a dozen guns.

After a long day of walking around, we took a spell to listen to some live music from the Hard Rock Cafe right on the water while sipping a lemonade.

In addition to a morning where we almost escaped from a game, we spent our last morning at President Jackson's house, the Hermitage. It was a modest building, but extensive grounds. It would have been nice to spend more time, but we needed to get back to Nevlin and my parents. More family visits to Maryland on the horizon!