Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cars & 100 posts!

I forgot that a few weeks back, Cam & I took a trip up north to visit the National Motor Museum. I've been to the one in the US and this is similar. The exception was Ford's eccentric nature and his impact on the collection. One of my favorite cars was this one that traveled across the middle of Australia. The black box on the hood was a cooling mechanism. The Leyand brothers shot a series of TV shows about that adventure. We watched the first & last episodes watching them dump water from the west coast into the east.

Check out Australia's largest working phone! Driven into your town, with the right hook up, you could call anyone in Australia for free. I loved the big buttons.

The motorcycles were pretty wicked, but this ride that sparkled was really my favorite.

Cam took this shot before we left. It was next to a truck that someone drove for 40 years to collect mail.

Toasting more than 1

 Cam has become quite the toastmaster! He has won several trophies over the last few weeks. Here's a shot of him lookin good! Cam has grown a bit of a fuzzy beard. See the last photo in this post for a more up to date look.

We were invited to a 40th costume party for Deb who used to work with me. I went to the thrift store (called op shop down under) and found this FANTASTIC outfit. Too bad it was designed for a child!

 The theme was "rock stars" and we chose to be Sergent Peppers - I was John as I have glasses, Cam was George as I found a red jacket. He really looked awesome, and my mustache made some people do a double take. Cam didn't take his Uke with him to the pub, but we shot this at home before leaving.

 A few work folks were there including the Pink Ladies! They were super fun to hang with, but one had a teenage son at home throwing a party so she left pretty early.

 We also hung with Matthew who was similar to the mad hatter, but more rocking & from the 80s. Cam by this point had borrowed the wig from Ozzy Osborne.