Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Livia Turns 2 months

Livia has turned two months today. Here she is with a beautiful blue outfit. Her eyes look very blue but shift between blue and grey and a hazel-like color.
We went for a very long walk (Nevlin, Livia and I) stopped at the park and generally hung out the three of us together to celebrate. Since she's been sick, we haven't really been doing much out & about with friends. Can't risk her falling ill again, so keeping it quiet and in the family.

Sorry so few photos, will do more when I have a chance to download images from the cameras.

Livia Was Sick

Livia turned two months today, but she spent her first month birthday in the hospital. This post is a bit late but its been a rough time for the little lady. She was admitted on Monday and discharged on Friday in late May.

She was on high flow oxygen for three of those days and had a one to one nurse. It was a challenge for all of us, but at least my Mom and Cam's mom were here to help out with Nevlin.

She had RSV, a respiratory virus that affected her right upper lung. She had to have two different IVs because her veins were so small. There will be another x-ray in July to see if she has cleared it and fully recovered. Will let you all know when we know.