Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

OH Highlights: Mounds & Sunken Lunken Part 4

Our trip to OH included spending a bit of time in and around Cincinnati. On the way, we went to some earthen mounds. This one, the serpent mound, has been groomed for ease of viewing. Really an awe inspiring spot.

We went to Lunken airport. I never knew why they called it "Sunken Lunken" until you stood outside the terminal. There was so little sky visible, it was a bit crazy. This shot of one of the airplanes in the terminal was crazy. There were only 2 wheels and no breaks. Our tour guide said that the pilot stopped the plane by putting his gloved hand on the wheel. Its a long stretch to do that in this plane.

This program is not allowing me to import photos right-side-up. Sorry. Here is our guide and the lobby of the airport. This was the start and home of American Airlines and also the company that serves airline food.

Looking back at the art deco terminal, it is pretty easy to see the historic features in the building: the clock, the symmetry, the entrances. I particularly loved the fonts. A few more posts from the trip to come.

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