Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Vaca in NSW

We were in New South Wales for our Christmas Vacation & took a bunch of shots. The natural environment is so amazing that you want to just spend time outside. There were cows.

And lots of horses, race horses. Many little ones that were only a few months old. Nevlin was constantly amazed of them.

We went on motor bike rides to ponds, the beach, and around to see different horses and drive through the paddocks. Nevlin was secured and we didn't go too fast, but he really liked being in the action. 

On Christmas Day we went and played golf. Nevlin putted for the first time. It was sweet.

Cam played a few holes and then would let the rest of the family put. Here's an action shot. Check out the wicked shoes. 

We hit the beach since it was only a 10 minute walk down the road. Nevlin was particularly impressed with sand and would come back absolutely covered in the stuff. 

Occasionally the outdoors came inside. These blossoming gums were our Christmas centerpiece for the table at dinner. 

Here's a shot of Aunt Louise next to all the candles lit. A magical shot to close a magical evening.

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