Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Sunday, November 27, 2011

September Flashback: Glenside Hospital

Cam & I went to Glenside Hospital, which has recently gone over to Arts SA and become this movie studio. It was unusual, but the culture of the hospital still peeped through, when allowed. Here are a few pics from our afternoon.

Glenside has an amazing array of buildings, most of which date from the nineteenth century. The stonework was really remarkable keeping inmates cool in the summer months.

The views from the windows must have been frustrating. You couldn't open more than one small window, only letting in a little fresh air.

The film studio had lots of rooms that had very special purposes. This one was for hair and makeup and I thought I'd take a moment to pretty myself up.

The best part of our visit were the cut-outs. I'm not sure if you've noticed my attraction to them, but, I really love cut outs. Aren't my legs skinny?

Toby & Cultural Cache on UTube

Hey all

Toby, Cam's brother, has recently posted a video on UTube. Toby and his wife Yalda started Cultural Cache as a tour guide business to the Middle East.

Their most recent adventure will take them to Armenia with another student from the University of Chicago.

Check out Elizabeth Fagan's video & on the right hand side is an even better one by Toby.

Their website if you'd like to join a tour (I've heard lots of positive things) is

Friday, November 25, 2011


Cam and I had 10 of our friends over for Thanksgiving. It was a splendid evening although a few small glitches. I'll retell the highlights.

We borrowed dishes and stemware from our neighbor and turned our living room into a dining hall.

We decided to buy a new carving knife for the turkey. Look how shinny. Funny enough, when we headed to Adelaide market to pick up the bird on Thursday AM there wasn't one! I ordered one a week ago and the man I talked to said it would be frozen. I thought that was fine and asked him to thaw it out for me on Monday so by Thursday it would be ready to cook. Well, he didn't have an explanation for it, but we showed up and didn't have a thawed turkey. So Cam saved the day and we just bought turkey pieces and cooked those. Too bad Cam's new knife didn't get to carve anything too big.

Since Thanksgiving is all about the food, check out the size of these sweet potatoes! We did a glazed sweet potato with marshmallow topping. It went down really well.

For the appetizer I made stuffed mushrooms. They were very tasty. Also, check out the pumpkin pie. Maryed gave me these pie crust decorators and they really dress up the deserts.

Most thanksgivings include successes and shortcomings. This one had two major shortcomings: the stuffing wasn't all that awesome (a bit dry and huge chunks) and the pumpkin roll shown above didn't "roll" as much as plop. I tried to have it look as good as Aunt Rita's but alas, it wasn't. Tasty but not pretty.

I loved having Oki over as well. He was outside most of the evening, but we brought him in once people had stopped eating. We even got creative with our napkins. This is me & Amer from Cam's work with Oki's red eyes.

Here is the group shot of everyone. Going around the table we have Jan, Hamish, Deb, Scott, Deb, Tony, Cam, Sean, Jo, Amer, and Gabriella. Thanks to everyone for coming over and we will have to do it again.