Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Saturday, July 9, 2011

PIGEON HILL: New South Wales

Cam and I visited a place called Pigeon Hill in NSW on the way home from the Farm, over Easter. I know, Easter was a very long time ago, but better late than never, right.

This is me in downtown Moruya. That's the town next to the farm. Its fantastic with one main drag, a few banks, two bakeries, a large grocery store, a chemist/drug store, and tourist-needed stores like for swimsuits.

Cam has been passing Pigeon Hill for over a decade, but he never walked up it. Well, that is still true because I was completely pooped! Check out how tall it was...I mean, can you image climbing that?

We didn't really prepare very well for the hike, but it was beautiful. The surrounding gum forest was very green, unusual for this time of year. Its been pretty rainy this year, breaking a long drought.

Here is Cam taking a break. The sun was so hot that we found shelter under a rock outcrop. It really helped to cool down in the shade.

The view would have been better, but the day was very hazy. The size of Australia's landscape continues to amaze me. Whether looking at the rocks or huge trees or vast extent of desert there is always some bit of nature not far away.

Life's been busy, but here's to committing to posting. Sorry friends & family, stayed tuned!

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