Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hiking in the Hills: Chambers Gully

Cam and I have been slowly chipping away at all the possible hikes around the Adelaide Hills. We've been a few places & have some favorite spots, but have learned that a "quick" hike normally will be at least 2 hrs.

One of our most recent adventures was to a place called Chambers Gully. With a windy terrain wrapping around the hillsides, we had a fantastic adventure. The blue sky and perfect temperatures meant it was not too hot or cold.

Lots of animals joined us on our journey including koalas, birds, and other humans. Cam is doing his best interpretation of one creature...not too sure which, but his paws should give you a clue.

The view from the top was spectacular. After this we wrapped down through some olives and headed back to the car. These thistles reminded me of Eeyore, friend to Christopher Robin. I recently had a Christopher Robin come into the Museum the other day, but he pointed out that he wasn't a storybook character.

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