Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Blocks & Cups

There are a few things that we play with pretty much each day: cups & blocks. I think both Nev and I really love the process of stacking and knocking down. The sounds are really catastrophic and can occasionally shock the little man, but he's getting used to it. Here's a stack standing...

...and not.

Nev's grandfather, great grandfather, great grandmother, and grandmother all helped to make him a set of wooden blocks. Not only are they 100% American pine, but they also are wood burned by hand specifically for Nevlin. They contain current events, locations, the entire alphabet and numbers 1-26, as well as animals, flowers, holidays, and shapes. Here's a close up of just a few blocks.

Although Nevlin can't really build as of yet (the blocks don't quite fit in his hands), he is mesmerized by the towers that mom & dad construct. I think perhaps he will get into demolition sometime soon in the future. Until then, we give him a little help. The following sequence clearly illustrates how awesome the blocks are as toys.

One is down, and now eyeing up the second one.

That's funny, there is still some left!

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