Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Professional Pics from Hospital

We had a few photos taken while in the hospital of Nevlin. They were really well done & I wanted to share some here. This first one is classic: he has his hands right near his face. I think it is a bit of comfort.

The difference between Cam's hand and Nev's is pretty obvious. I love that from the first day, he was able to hold on tight. Amazingly, he knows who to rely on for all he needs...Pretty scary that we are in charge of something so small & innocent.

His hair has been crazy & these shots were taken after his first real bath. I'll post some more photos that really show off his hair.

Here is Nev with a bit of a smile. Everyone assures me that he had gas. Our midwives say that he is on the edge of being able to smile on purpose at things that make him happy. We are waiting, but perhaps soon.

Finally here is a shot of me and Ma & Nev in an outfit that was purchased by Cam's mom. The shirt says: "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in the womb any more." Its one of our favorites.

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