Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekends of Fun around Adelaide

We borrowed our neighbor's bikes (thanks Moreen & Barry) to take a ride around the new hood. In Marion, our small town, there used to be large amounts of agriculture including grapes, abalone, and almonds. In this self portrait by Cam, we are in front of a flowering almond tree.

Also on the bike tour of our neighborhood, we came across a bell mounted into a gum tree outside St. Anne's, a small Catholic chapel. They ordered a bell in the 1860s, but the wrong one got sent and since it didn't fit it into the already built small bell tower, they put it in a nearby tree.

Finally, here's a shot of Cam on a bike path next to one of his favorite things, a canal. It was channeled back in the 1960s. There were quite a few gum trees along this path too.

We were able to meet up with our friend (I have a friend in Adelaide!), Gabriella for dinner at a Thai restaurant. Notice our goodie bags in the foreground. The one on the left supposedly is degradable, but it is being investigated. The bag even had a person with a halo on their head.

With a gift card from Janet & Rick (cousins) Cam & I bought a cast iron oval casserole from La Chausseur, a French company. I've wanted one of these for a really long time & we made a chicken paprikash in it the first time we used it. It turned out so tasty!

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