Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Just 4 Sydney-side Hartnells

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Look back with some Friends

Trying to catch up a bit. These shots were from Dec-Feb. Sorry they are all mixed up. 
We were at Ava's place and had a shot of the two of them in this basket. It didn't take long for them to be distracted.

We put them in it 1 November and then with the waves background 21 February. Here's their 11 month old view...much more animated, engaging and generally quite happy.

Here's what they looked like back in early November. Ava's missing lots of those teeth and Nevlin some hair and their switched places. Not much has changed in almost four months.

It was pretty amazing that we were able to get everyone from our mother's group to sit still long enough to snap this shot. Nevlin is all dressed up for this Christmas party, check out the tie from his Cioci! We wear that bib when he needs to dress up.

Here's a view of someone off to sleep at our old apartment in early Feb.

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